Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Taking Back America

Taking Back America

It seems that the United States is in a serious trouble.  This recession that United States is in has hit most all of the citizens quiet hard.  People are losing their homes at an astounding rate due to foreclosures.  The unemployment rate is through the roof.  Gas prices are steady increasing.  It seems that the government has its hands full dealing with the situation in Libya and the recent devastation in Japan.  How about the good citizens of this great nation?  When do the citizens become the top priority?  How can the government do to help the citizens out?  Here are just a couple of ideas.
                How about drilling for oil in the United States and stop paying the outrageous prices from the Middle East?  Yes there are people out there, conservationist, that want to protect the environment and do not want to disturb nature.  That is all fine and good, but what about the people that are going hungry and are barely making ends meet?  They need their jobs but when they go to the gas pumps and it cost an extra $100 a month to fill up the gas tanks, where does that money come from when they don’t have an extra to spare?  It is time to take the power away from the Middle East and put it back in America’s hands.  Drill oil here.  It will produce jobs and drive down gas prices.  Since gas prices continue to increase, so does the cost of food and all other necessities that are required for daily life. Americans can’t have their cake and eat too, so to speak.  Something has to give.
                The government needs to come together and put the citizens first.  Our elected officials need to set aside their differences and focus on what is important: the people of the United States. They need to remember that it is the citizens that elected them and those same citizens can choose not to re-elect them.  Government spending needs to be cut.  Let’s cut how much those Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen make.  They make almost $200,000 a year.  If each one took a $50,000 pay cut, imagine what would happen.  Apply that money to the deficit or even funnel it back to citizens.  The government officials should to be treated the same as an average citizen.  They deserve the same benefits that we all do. No more perks of being an elected official.  They need to save up for their vacations, just like the rest of the working class do. Get rid of the government kick backs.
                Granted, nothing is as easy as it seems.  In a perfect a world, the citizens would be able to provide for their families. Unfortunately, this is not a perfect world and the citizens of the United States are suffering. It is way past time for our government to cast aside their differences and work together for the citizens of this great nation.  It is time to take America back.

1 comment:

  1. I agree… It is time to take America back! It wasn’t until I took this government class that I realized how commonplace it is for our government to borrow money, adding to our national debt. How is this justified? What I am teaching my children is that if you don’t have the cash for it, you can’t afford it. The reason I this idea is valuable to our family is because we have seen the hole you can dig yourself into by borrowing money. Furthermore, we see how hard it is to dig yourself out of that hole. Isn’t it time for someone to teach our elected officials this? How about bringing jobs back to America as well? I am hard pressed to remember the last time I called a 1-800 number and spoke with someone who was from America. Why are we outsourcing call centers when there are perfectly capable American citizens needing employment? My close friends and family are suffering because of outsourcing. Many companies, such as Applied Materials and Freescale, are sending work overseas because it’s cheaper, leaving American families out of work. What if we all wore clothes, ate food, and bought furniture that was made in America? If the demand for American goods went up, it would then drive the prices of those goods down. More Americans would have job opportunities and we could help lessen the debt that America has incurred.
