Thursday, April 7, 2011

Energy Crisis Response (Stage 6)

After reading Energy Crisis by Keith Wright , I have to agree that the government needs to find alternate methods to the fuel dilemma.  Something needs to be done, especially since oil consumption in the United States continues to rise.  The United States relies heavily on the oil supply from the Middle East.  In order for the United States to cut its dependency on foreign oil, changes are definitely going to have to be made.  It is about time that the United States is taking a step towards independence from the tyranny of overseas oil prices. 

A public concern might be that since President Obama is pushing for all government vehicles to have a higher efficiency rating, that the price tag on all those vehicles will hit the taxpayers even more than we already are.  Maybe since the government bailed out several large car manufacturers, maybe they could just donate them to the federal government as a way of saying thank you for saving our company.  Understandably that with progress and change, there come give and take, but at the expense of an already taxed society?  The federal government has a hard enough time agreeing on a budget, then how in the world can we expect them to agree on where to get the supply of oil and how exactly to “go green”. 

Other energy sources, such as wind, electric, battery operated, and solar sources, should be continued looked upon as possible solutions to this issue.  Drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico and other states, is possible another step towards dependency.  It would also produce jobs and probably help the economy in the process.  The government needs to set aside their differences and focus on the tasks at hand.

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